Those of us in the Scuba Industry hear the words “it’s on my bucket list” quite frequently when talking to prospective divers. It’s either a dream they have always had or a new found passion about living. As dive professionals we need to remember that the majority of the world doesn’t do what we do and what is common place for us is a lifelong goal to some people.
The New Year always brings renew commitment to make life changes and check things off that bucket list. Winter is the perfect time to take a class, play in the pool and then head off to some tropical location or local dive spot (that would be in May for those of us here at Aquatic Realm). There has never been a better time to become a diver and see the world with a different prospective.
At Aquatic Realm we specialize in diving as a family activity. We offer evening, weekend and even a 4 week Sunday afternoon class. You can choose online or classroom academics and our pool is right off the classroom and always a warm 90 degrees.
We all know someone that has talked about diving and their “bucket list”. This is the year to encourage them to take the plunge. Stop by our dive center or call us at 937-428-9836. Our staff is ready and passionate about making dive dreams come true.
For more information visit our website at http://www.aquaticrealmscuba.com